Thursday, November 10, 2011

Painting A la Andy Warhol

I finally got the documentation of the Portrait a la Andy Warhol activity that I did with the children. I still need to further expose them to Pop Art but the initial activity was encouraging enough...

Thanks to Art Smarts for kids for this activity. Can't wait to do the other Warhol activity (blotted line drawing) for them to really get a better grasp of how Andy Warhol did his art works. But for tomorrow, this interactive Warhol game will be their homeschool activity.


  1. Oooh doing a series of Andy Warhol Pop Art is most definitely something we will be doing on our arty journey. Yours turned out wonderfully!

    Thanks again for joining in Kids Get Arty!


  2. Oh it was my pleasure to share what we've done. Now we're doing some Op Art and the kids are in for a treat as we're planning to go to an op Art museum to top off the experience :) Will post some of the op art activities next week!
